The BestOf Both

Main Streats: Toshi
August 30, 2017

A few years ago, we started writing New Year’s Resolutions. One year, a collective goal of ours was “to eat at every restaurant along Main Street”. Since then, we’ve moved here and there – but now that we are finally back, we hope to address this long-standing goal of ours! The series will be called “Main Str-EATS!”.

Our first stop – Romel’s choice as it was his last supper before his wisdom teeth removal – was Toshi Sushi, which *technically* isn’t on Main Street… but close enough! We’ve passed by this place many times and have noted the long lines and wondered why haven’t we tried this place yet?!


This place is known to have lengthy wait times of approximately one to even two hours! Luckily, we came around the time the first round of diners were just finishing up, so we only had to wait about 15-20 minutes. We also decided to sit at the bar and get a view of the sushi-making in process!

Our bellies were incredibly content by the end of our meal with little room for dessert. We opted for some tea lattes at one of our favourite Main Street cafes – 49th Parallel. We were so full that we didn’t even get a Lucky’s donut despite many glances at the donut display… maybe next time?

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