The BestOf Both

The Best Of Both

Photography Party
September 23, 2013

This past weekend, we celebrated my little brother’s birthday. He’s finally 19 – and you all know what that means… Alcohol (and lots of it!). I mean… Cameras (and lots of it)! Against my brother’s better judgement, I invoked a photography theme to his party. I decided to make a camera cake, camera cookies, camera cupcakes & a “happy birthday” polaroid banner. I even challenged him to take a shot every time someone said the word “picture”. That plan didn’t follow through as my mom said it three times before we even ate dinner. You know how filipino parents love taking pictures of the table of food before it’s all devoured.

My brother holding the cake!

Peanut butter and chocolate cake... Mmm...

Camera sugar cookies made using a DIY camera cookie cutter!

Red velvet cupcakes with a cupcake topper I designed on Illustrator

Happy Birthday banner with my brother being silly…

There’s the alcohol!

As such, this past week’s illustration is a card for my brother. Happy 19th birthday little brother! Hope you enjoyed your day. 

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