The BestOf Both

The Best Of Both

Jenn: I Challenge You ... Week 5

August 21, 2012

Challenges are back!!! This week’s challenge is inspired by the new show on TLC called “Craft Wars”. I challenge you to try and create a fashion piece out of recycled products with a budget of $5.00. Sometime this week, we’ll head out to one of my favorite recycling stores on Main street to pick out …

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Jenn: Weekly Challenge - Learn to Cook

July 20, 2012

This week, Romel challenged me to a cook off. However, due our lack of experience (as well as time), we decided to join forces (just this one time) to create an appetizer, entre, and dessert together. Romel focused mainly on the appetizer, bacon wrapped scalloped on spinach, whereas I focused on the entre, carbonera, and …

Romel: Weekly Challenge - Learn To Cook

July 20, 2012
Romel: Weekly Challenge - Learn To Cook - hero

Last week, I challenged Jenn to a cook off but since we both didn’t really cook we decided to do it on the same day and give each other a hand. We made three different things and it was a really fun evening! We first went to Superstore to buy the ingredients that we needed …

Romel: I Challenge You... Week 4

July 11, 2012

This week, I am going to challenge Jenn to a cook off! We both don’t cook regularly so this is going to be fun and hopefully a tasty experience. We’ll have to cook a 3 course meal starting with an appetizer, an entre and a desert. The ingredients that we can use are: 1 Type …

Get To Know Us

The Best of Both started in 2012 as a blog of a boy and a girl with a wide variety of interests, from fashion and video games to biochemistry and computer science. The blog was a medium to challenge each other to be creative, share their ideas + perspectives, and capture their adventures.

A couple of years later, life happened – they got engaged, he moved to San Francisco, she moved to Toronto, and they got married in Vancouver somewhere in between. After months of traveling back + forth, he moved to Toronto, where she stayed up late listening to Counterstrike strats and he unwillingly participated in Saturday morning cleaning. Fast forward, they had many more adventures, got a puppy named Simcoe (the name of the street of their Toronto home), and shipped all of their things across the country (i.e. his board games + collectibles, her textbooks + shoes).


© THE BEST OF BOTH 2012 - 2023